Собеседование в Амазон
Господа программисты, находящиеся в США, никто собеседование в Амазон не хочет попробовать пройти? У нас тут сейчас всякие киндылы раздают за referrals. Работать потом устраиваться необязательно :)
В Сиэттл можно бесплатно слетать, опять же.
В Сиэттл можно бесплатно слетать, опять же.
60 комментариев
Это значит слали самым широким веером — купили (сперли) базу монстра и давай слать всем подряд.
Я с большим недоверием отношусь к кампаниям, действующим такими методами. Мне с ними не по пути.
Конкретно в эти две недели HR решили поднабрать кандидатов и попросили работников рекомендовать «всех».
Если хочешь заниматься.NET, то к нам тебе не надо, но если занимался.NET, но не против переквалифицироваться, то это не помеха.
Телефонное собеседование в любом случае можешь пройти )
переквалификация за счет амазона?
«We do not require that you know any specific language before interviewing for a technical position at Amazon.com, but familiarity with a prominent object oriented language is generally a prerequisite for success.»
Начать писать на Java — очень легко. «Переквалификация» в рабочее время, но ее как таковой нет. Если знаешь ООП, через несколько дней начнешь писать на джаве, сначала помедленнее других.
Киндлы скоро перестанут выдавать; открытые вакансии уже несколько лет не кончаются.
не студент уже очень давно.
«алгоритмы по телефону» — это онлайн чтоли — спросили — пишешь–зачитываешь.?
Да, дают задание какое–нибудь, например: Написать собственную имплементацию atoi; или: найти все пары чисел в массиве, сумма которых равна X.
Объясняешь, как напишешь, отвечаешь на вопросы; потом дают несколько минут, чтобы записать код, зачитываешь, опять вопросы.
Обычно, минимум два «coding questions», ну и десяток вопросов, для которых код писать не требуется.
Я буду рекомендовать конкретно в группу Fulfillment by Amazon, но потом можно самому выбирать.
Вот информация для телефонного собеседования, типовые вещи:
Preparing for Your Interview
At Amazon.com we’re looking for talented engineers that can apply the knowledge that they’ve learned in school and in industry to solving some of the world’s most complicated software problems. As such, our interviews are mainly focused on how well you can use your acquired knowledge to solve real world (or in some cases not so real world) problems. Below is a list of broad areas that we expect people to be familiar with. It’s certainly not required that you memorize all of the information outlined below, but this should serve as a helpful reference guide for the types of things you might want to brush up on before interviewing with Amazon.com.
Programming Languages
We do not require that you know any specific language before interviewing for a technical position at Amazon.com, but familiarity with a prominent object oriented language is generally a prerequisite for success. Not only should you be familiar with the syntax of a language like C++, Java, or C#, you should also know some of the language nuances such as how memory management works, what some of the most commonly used collections or libraries are, etc. You should be able to compare languages and talk about the tradeoffs between using language X vs. language Y.
Additionally, it’s considered a plus to be familiar with some scripting language such as perl, ruby, awk, etc. It’s also nice to know the basics of regular expression as they are now a mainstay in both the object oriented and scripting worlds.
Data Structures
Most of the work we do involves storing and providing access to data in efficient ways. This necessitates a very strong background in standard data structures. You should know what each of these data structures is and how they’re implemented; what their runtimes are for common operations; and under what circumstances it would be beneficial to use one. The below are in no particular order.
Linked List
Tree (Tree, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Red–Black Tree, etc.)
Hash Table
Graph (both directed and undirected)
It’s also important to know efficient ways manipulate data. One great way of doing this is brushing up on some common algorithms. We’ll expect that you can apply and discuss the tradeoffs between some commonly used algorithms.
Bubble Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Radix/Bucket Sort
Traversals (On multiple data structures)
Depth First Search
Breadth First Search
Expect to be asked to code syntactically correct code – no pseudo code. If you’re a bit rusty coding without an IDE or coding in a specific language, it’s probably a good idea to dust off the cobwebs and get comfortable coding with pen and paper. The most important thing a software engineer does at Amazon.com is write performant, stable, robust, and well tested code. These are going to be the main criteria by which your code will be evaluated, so make sure that you check for edge cases and common error inputs as well as the “happy paths” through the code.
Object Oriented Design
Good design is paramount to extensible, bug free, and long living code. It’s possible to solve a software problem in an almost limitless number of ways, but when software needs to be robust and extensible, it’s important to know some common techniques that help with this. Using object oriented design best practices is one way to build lasting software. You should have a working knowledge of a few common and useful design patterns (singleton, factory, adapter, bridge, visitor, command, proxy, observer, etc.) as well as know how to write software in an object oriented way with appropriate use of inheritance and aggregation.
Most of the software that we write is backed by a database somewhere. A lot of the challenges we face come in to play when interfacing with existing data models and when designing new data models. You should know the basics of how relational databases work, how to design relational database schemas, as well as how to write basic SQL queries against a database.
Distributed Computing
Our systems at Amazon.com usually have to work under very strict tolerances at high load. While we have some internal tools that help us with scaling it’s important to have an understanding of a few basic distributed computing concepts. Having an understanding of topics such as map–reduce, service oriented architectures, distributed caching, load balancing, etc. will help you in formulating answers to some of the more complicated distributed architecture questions you might encounter.
Internet Topics
This is Amazon.com, we’re an online company and we expect our engineers to be familiar with, at least, the basics of how the internet works. You might want to brush up on how internet browsers do what they do, DNS lookups, what TCP/IP and HTTP are, sockets, etc. We’re not looking for network engineering types of qualifications, but a solid understanding of the fundamentals of how the web works is a requirement.
Operating Systems
You won’t need to know how to build your own operating system, but you should be familiar with some OS topics that can affect code performance, such as memory management, processes, threads, synchronization, paging, multithreading, deadlocks (causes, detection, avoidance).
Please consider the following interview tips:
1. Be in a quiet place where you are comfortable and there are no distractions.
2. Have a copy of your resume available just in case you are questioned on it.
3. Have paper and pen ready to use.
4. Have any questions you have for the interviewer ready.
5. If you will be speaking on your cell phone, please ensure that you are in a place with enough cell phone coverage to avoid any call drops.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thanks again for your interest in Amazon.com
Только не регистрируйтесь в системе, тогда и я не смогу вас порекомендовать и для вас процесс будет только хуже.
А, вру ведь! Еще вице–президенты нужны. Нет, правда.
А ты кто по специальности? ;)
133377 Sr.Manager, Product Manager
138581 Program Manager — Fulfillment By Amazon
143397 Sr. Product Manager
145613 Sr Manager Inventory Management and Reverse Logistics
147995 Operations Specialist — Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)
148840 Director, FBA Operations
149799 Program Manager
149943 Sr. Manager FBA Marketing
151025 Director, FBA Seller Engagement
152730 Director, Selling Globally
152845 Senior Manager, Product Management
153111 Sr. Product Manager, Global Selling
153721 Sr Product Manager, FBA Business Intelligence
154529 Program Manager FBA Seller Reimbursement
155274 Senior Manager FBA Operations
111206 Senior Software Development Engineer — Fulfillment By Amazon
116406 Quality Assurance Engineer
137989 Senior Software Development Engineer — FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
138699 Senior Software Manager
146353 Software Development Engineer
147987 Software Development Engineer — FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
149771 Sr. User Experience Designer
150254 Software Development Engineer, Test
153461 Web Development Engineer
154119 Technical Program Manager
130326 Software Development Engineer
p.s. sry for english, I'm at the office
что то будет на замену DX и почему он так дорого стоит (по сравнению с другими моделями)?
С трансферами с существующих H–1B и последующим спонсорством на гринкарту сложностей не будет.