Нужно подписанное бюрократом из МИДа официальное приглашение на бланке (wtf). Российское консульство документы на визу не принимает, говорит, делайте через Инвиза Логистикс. Инвиза документы по почте не принимает надо слать в компании, список которых есть на сайте консульства. Вот это жесть… Зла не хватает.
23 комментария
A cover letter with the following information:
— Applicant's name as it appears on their passport;
— Dates of arrival and departure in and from Russia;
— A list of up to 5 cities that will be visited in Russia;
— Index and reference number of the receiving organization.
A tourist visa invitation and voucher, from an inviting organization registered with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a voucher from your or travel agency in Russia. The confirmation must contain the agency's reference number and registration number.
Applicants who used to be citizens of the USSR or of the Russian Federation and then emigrated from the USSR or from Russia must submit one of the documents which confirms that they are no longer citizens of the Russian Federation (so called «Visa to Israel» or stamp in their passport saying that they left for «permanent residence abroad» before the 6th of February, 1992 or official document certifying that their Russian citizenship was abrogated), otherwise the applications will not be accepted.
Вот. Нашел!
Please be advised, that you must register yourself in a local office of the Ministry of the Interior within three working days of arrival at the hotel or other organization rendering hotel services (this rule is applied to all foreign Citizens except those arriving at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). It is not necessary to register if the visa is for two to three days only.
поэтому я в Берлин еду.