Есть ли ограничения по туристической визе на количество въездов–выездов?

Маленький вопрос, на который я почему–то не могу найти ответ (возможно, формулирую неправильно).
Смогу ли я в течение трех лет, с момента выдачи визы, приезжать гулять на Манхэттене каждые выходные? Т.е., есть ли ограничения по туристической визе на количество въездов–выездов?
24 комментария
самой интересно.
и по длительности пребывания. А то может как по Шенгену — суммарно не больше 90 дней в полгода?…
у меня есть еще вопросы, но я что–то как–то не могу их сформулировать прямо сейчас)
The visa or the completed Visa Waiver Program document permits non–immigrant travelers to enter upon U.S. soil only to the extent that they can present themselves to a determining Department of Homeland Security official. The official and his work station are euphemistically referred to as «the gate.» The document that demonstrates permission to enter the country has been granted is universally called an I–94 — the proper term is Arrival/Departure Record — and it is issued by the determining officer at the gate. In simple terms, the visa allows the traveler to knock on the door; the I–94 card is proof the Department of Homeland Security has allowed them to come in. The I–94 determines the time limit of the stay, and the restrictions imposed upon the visitor while in the U.S. Visas do not allow any stay of any length within the U.S.
Most Common Types of Visas
The B1 professional and B2 tourist — pleasure travel — visas are typically issued for six–month periods, but the length is entirely within the decision–making process of the officer who happens to get the case, inspect the application and make the determination. Again, the length of time printed on the visa does not determine how long the visitor may stay in the U.S. Rather, it determines how long the visitor has to make the journey to the U.S., where the I–94 document may or may not be issued that details the length of the stay.
At the Gate
The unofficial posture is that few people can afford to live without working for more than six months. Because people coming to the U.S. on B2 visas are not allowed to work, they will in all likelihood be issued a maximum six–month I–94. If the entrant is seeking medical treatment that may quite reasonably be expected to take more than six months, the determining officer can issue a one–year I–94 without consulting a supervisor. A traveler with a B1 professional visa, meaning they have work the State Department has already determined is acceptable under all its conditions, can stay up to three years on a single I–94. In an extreme circumstance, then, a person with a one–month B1 visa could legally stay in the USA for three years, not one month.